Start Your Plants Now!
Spring Fever Garden Kit
Lets You Get A Head Start On This Year's Garden!
Complete Kit With Everything You Need To Go From Started Inside Plants To Your Backyard Vegetable Garden

Spring Fever Garden Kit ... Gets You Started Now!
Dear Gardening Friend,
If you want to get a jump on this year's backyard garden... this message will, without a doubt rank pretty high on your list. (especially this year)
Here's why I say that.
This new Spring Fever Garden Kit seems to connect two very important backyard garden dots.
Connection Dot Number One: Your Sanity
Breaking cabin fever and the depression that often accompanies cabin fever can best be solved with purposeful, forward thinking. And, what better way to use forward thinking than the Spring Fever Garden Kit. (Especially since it contains everything you to get going right away.) This is about preparing your mind as much as it is planting a garden.
Connection Dot Number Two: Your Food Production
Getting your garden started "indoors" can literally "jump start" garden production. As a matter of fact...
Starting heirloom plants inside is a great way to cut down on plant stressors including unpredictable weather changes. And by starting your heirloom seeds inside while the weather is still cold, allows you to gain several months at the very least.
Perhaps just as important is… when you go to plant outdoors, your young plants will have more vigor. Plus, you get them better prepared to withstand high wind, hard rains and wide ranging temperature fluctuation.
Bottom line: You can plant seeds outdoors too early. You can also wait too long to get your seeds or started plants in the ground. Knowing the middle ground here (wisdom really) will pay off big when it comes time to harvest your backyard crop.

“Starting your heirloom seeds indoors… makes good sense… especially if you can purchase your seeds at a great price.”
Are You Ready To Get A Jump Start On
This Year's Garden?
There are many reasons why 2025 is going to be the single most important year since WWII to have a backyard garden. Back then, they called it a Victory Garden. The attitude of folks in war time situation was very different from our own modern perspective. In some ways nicer because Americans were united in some sense in commonly shared worldview. But the attitude was, at the same time... more gritty. Very hard hitting. More "just get it done." Truth is, we need more of that today. We're soft.
Which Is Why I'm Going To Give You
Our Complete "War Garden" Library
Over 1000 pages of politically incorrect Gardening Advice

8 Book Library - Over 1000 pages of real no nonsense gardening wisdom.
Delivered Digitally To You For Instant Access
$49.95 Value
If You Want To Start Your Garden Now
Get Good Quality Seeds!
Remember, our heirloom seeds (hand-picked and hand packed) are not genetically modified in any way. And, after harvest... you can use your newly harvested heirloom seeds to grow next years garden!
You simply save some of your freshly harvested seeds... from this year's garden and you'll have more than enough to re-plant the next year. Heck, you'll never need to buy seeds again if you don't want to!

Grow 30 % More Food By Starting Early!
Its true. Getting a jump on the season can really add up. And remember, these heirloom seed varieties are authentic strains will produce outstanding “nutritionally dense” vegetables in your own back yard.
These Are NOT Ordinary Heirloom Seeds!
They Have Been Chosen For Their Truly Extraordinary Germination Rates!
Grown in remote plots, far from the prying eyes of the big hybrid seed companies, each of the heirloom seed varieties have been hand-picked for germination rates, nutritional density and of course, storage life.
In fact, some studies show that heirloom varieties are up to five times as nutritious as hybrid varieties. And let's not forget about taste. We have also selected seeds that will produce some of the most deleicous garden produce available.

Each Spring Fever Garden Kit...
Can Produce Up To 25,000 Pounds Of Premium Heirloom Vegetables!
Each seed pack is individually packaged for maximum shelf life. Here's what we mean by that: We carefully dry each group of seeds to the precise level of allowable moisture which "locks in" hardiness and maintains extremely long shelf life.
Then, each seed package is sealed in a special foil packet to maximize storage time. Some say up to 20 years. For best long-term storage... freezing your Spring Fever Garden Kit will increase the shelf-life considerably.
Its Also A Great Way To Teach Inter-Generational Wisdom. Kids These Days Really Need
To Get Their Hands Dirty!
The Spring Fever Garden Kit Is The Perfect Solution For Gardeners Of All Ages And A Great Opportunity To Shared The Love Of Backyard Gardening From One Generation To The Next!

The Spring Fever Garden Kit "Specifics"
Each Spring Fever Garden Kit ™ has a total of 20 varieties of OPEN POLLINATED vegetable seeds." Also included are detailed growing instructions
Each Spring Fever Garden Kit Contains
These Hand Picked, Heirloom Varieties:

Purple Calabash Tomato
Purple Calabash tomato is a flattened ribbed, dark purple fruit, that grows on prolific vines. fruits are milder and juicy. Especially demanded by gourmet chefs for their beautiful ribbed look and intense color, this variety is very useful in many culinary applications. "Packet contains 100 seeds"
(Purchasing 100 Purple Calabash Tomato Seeds from Riemer Seeds would cost $35.00)

Kellogg`s Breakfast Tomato
A beautiful orange beefsteak preserved by our friend Darrell Kellogg, a railroad supervisor from Redford, Michigan. Its fruit is very flavorful and superbly sweet! This delicious heirloom originated in West Virginia. A great old West Virginia heirloom that is starting to gain popularity again. These big boys weigh in anywhere from 1-2 pounds. "Packet contains 100 seeds"
(Purchasing 100 Kellogg's Breakfast Tomato Seeds from Reimer Seeds would cost $13.75)

Super Sioux Tomato
The heirloom tomato Sioux was released in 1944 by the University of Nebraska. The Super Sioux is a later selection with a larger size, improved taste, and more disease resistance. The flavor is an exquisite blend of sweet, acidic and earthy flavors. A great tomato for slicing, sauce and canning. "Packet contains 100 seeds"
(Purchasing 100 super Sioux Tomato Seeds from Reimer Seeds Would cost $13.75)

Aunt Ruby`s German Green Tomato
A family heirloom from Ruby Arnold of Greeneville, Tennessee. Harvest when fruits are soft to the touch. Great for slicing with fresh mozzarella, and basil. One of the largest green beefsteaks. It has brilliant, neon-green flesh with a strong, sweet, and fruity flavor, much tastier than most red tomatoes. This family heirloom from Germany is beautiful. "Packet contains 100 seeds"
(Purchasing 100 Aunt Ruby's German Green Tomato Seeds from Baker Creek would cost $11.00)

Mexico Midget Tomato
No hybrid comes close to this variety for huge tomato flavor in a small package. Plants are absolutely loaded with hundreds of ½” dark red fruits. An incredible flash of tomato flavor. The Mexico Midget surely has wild genes in its heritage. The Spanish brought the small yellow tomato to Europe and the Philippines. The climate in Italy allowed for many new varieties of tomato to develop with intense flavor. "Packet contains 100 seeds"
(Purchasing 100 Mexico Midget Seeds From Seed Savers would cost $7.50)

Vernissage Tomato Mix
Bred by Ukrainian breeder Ruslan Dochov, this collection of tasty little tomatoes truly are little artistic masterpieces! Very versatile, they can be a beautiful addition to salads and relish trays, they dry magnificently and make wonderful sauces. Plump, golf ball sized fruits weigh 1-2 oz. and are very prolific. "Packet contains 100 seeds"
(Purchasing 100 Aunt Ruby's German Green Tomato Seeds from Baker Creek would cost $14.00)

Fish Pepper
A beautiful and useful hot pepper with eye-catching variegated foliage. The 3" pepper ripen from cream to orange, brown, and finally red. The flavor is moderately hot and this variety was once common in the crab houses of the East coast during the 19th century. Traditionally this pepper was used in oyster and crab houses around the Chesapeake Bay. "Packet contains 100 seeds"
(Purchasing 100 Fish Pepper Seeds from Pepper Joes would cost $29.99)

Sweet Melrose Pepper
This is a superb heirloom frying pepper brought to the US from Italy years ago. Wonderful rich flavor and very sweet. Great fried or fresh, a true Italian heirloom with a loyal following in the Chicago area. The flavor is good when green, but sweeter and more intense when they turn red. "Packet contains 100 seeds"
(Purchasing 100 Sweet Melrose Pepper Seeds from Pepper Joes would cost $19.99)

Red Habanero Pepper
A favorite among “chili-heads” for making salsa, sauces and drying. This hard to find red strain of hot habanero peppers is extremely productive. Plants grow 30″ tall and can have 100-200 fruits each in a good season. Averages 300,000 Scoville Heat Units. "Packet contains 100 seeds"
(Seed Savers Cost For 100 Red Habanero Seeds - $15.00)

Corbaci Pepper
A unique and wonderful sweet pepper that turns from light green, to yellow, to orange and finally to bright red. It can be harvested and used at any stage. This rare heirloom is from Turkey and has a very rich, sweet flavor. Very productive plants need staking or a small cage to keep them from falling over due to the weight of the fruits. "Packet contains 100 seeds"
(100 Seeds Purchased From Baker Creek Would be $12.00)

Cilantro is one of the most widely used culinary herbs in the whole world. Farmers have grown it in many places, including the Massachusetts Bay Colony by the mid-1600s. The conquistadors brought it into Mexico in the 1500s. In the mid-1700s, people made liquor from the coriander seeds, but this experiment proved unsuccessful. Today, common folk and culinary experts alike use cilantro and coriander. "Packet contains 1000 seeds"
(Purchasing 1000 Cilantro Seeds from Pepper Joes would cost $24.95)

Sweet Genovese Basil
This is the classic Italian sweet basil, prized for its large leaves, wonderful aroma and spicy flavor. Sweet genovese basil is the best choice for making pesto. The best genoese basil is said to be grown in Prà, a western delegation of the city of Genoa. The nearby presence of a large steel mill from the 1950s to the 1980s threatened the cultivar, said to be necessary to produce the “real” genoese pesto. "Packet contains 1000 seeds"
(Purchasing 1000 Sweet Genovese Basil Seeds from Pepper Joes would cost $24.95)

The origin of Lavender is believed to be from the Mediterranean. Its history goes back some 2500 years. Lavender is a flowering plant of the mint family known for its beauty. Its sweet floral fragrance and its multiple uses. Lavender derives its name from the Latin ‘lavare’ meaning ‘to wash”. The Romans used Lavender to scent their baths, beds, clothes and even hair. "Packet contains 100 seeds."
(Purchasing 100 Lavender Seeds from Baker Creek would cost $3.00)

Chives have been used since 3000 BC and can be found growing wild in Asia, Europe, Australia and North America. The ancient Romans correlated the strong tasting chive to physical strength and fed them to racehorses, wrestlers and workers to make them strong. Many people believed that stronger tasting herbs had greater healing power so chives were believed to improve appetite. In addition, it was used to relieve sunburn and sore throat pain. ("Packet contains 500 seeds"
(Purchasing 500 Chives Seeds from Seed Savers would cost $7.50)

In 1st century Rome, dill weed was considered a good luck symbol. Ancient Egyptians used it to ward off witches and as an aphrodisiac. To the Greeks, dill signified wealth. Many cultures cultivated it for medicinal qualities, particularly its ability to soothe an ailing stomach. It’s even mentioned in the Bible. Puritans and Quakers gave their children dill seeds to chew on while at church as an appetite suppressant. "Packet contains 1000 seeds"
(Purchasing 1000 Dill Seeds from Seed Savers would cost $15.00)
Marigolds: To Keep The Bugs At Bay

Red Marrietta Marigold
The classic garden marigold. Perfect accent or border plant, great for containers. Red Marietta still has the old-time marigold scent that has been bred out of the modern hybrids. Annual, 12″ tall. Plant seeds after the danger of spring frost has passed and the soil temperature is at least 60 degrees. This will be between March and May, depending on where you live. "Packet contains 250 seeds"
(Purchasing 250 Red Marrietta Maragold Seeds from Seed Savers would cost $3.75)

Yellow Sweet Spanish Onion
Yellow Sweet Spanish Onion. Large, globe-shaped yellow-skinned onion with a crisp, firm white flesh that keeps well. A long day onion, it develops late in the season in the North. In the South it makes scallions, or fresh green onions, when planted as a fall onion. Needs 13 hours or more of day length for best bulb development. Tolerant to pink root. "Packet contains 250 seeds"
(Purchasing 250 Yellow Sweet Spanish Onion seeds From Reimer seeds would cost $6.88)

Little Fingers Eggplant
The Little Finger eggplants are slender, petite eggplants that are excellent for grilling and cooking. This eggplant has a dark purple skin, is thin and tender with a silky flesh. This variety produces few seeds and a mildly sweet flavor. Little Fingers grow in clusters that almost look like hands. You can start harvesting when they are only as big as your finger or let them get bigger. "Packet contains 100 seeds"
(Purchasing 100 Little Fingers Eggplant Seeds from Baker Creek would cost $11.00)
Brussels Sprouts

Long Island Brussels Sprouts
Long Island is thought to have been grown in Belgium as early as the 13th century. The first written reference date is 1587 when they were popular in the southern Netherlands. This is a workhorse variety that produces very flavorful sprouts. Don't overlook this popular vegetable for your garden.This variety is a great freezing variety for long storage. Dependable yield. Great for small gardens. "Packet contains 250 seeds"
(Purchasing 250 Yellow Sweet Spanish Onion seeds From Reimer seeds would cost $11.25)

Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage
Introduced in the 1840s, with tasty, 2lb, sweet and flavorful conical heads. New Jersey Wakefield is an adaptation of an older English variety, Early Wakefield, and has proven a reliable favorite for US gardens since the 1840s, especially in the northern climate. distinct sweet flavor that is ideal for eating raw in salads and slaws, cooking or pickling. "Packet contains 100 seeds"
(Purchasing 100 Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage Seeds From Reimer Seeds would cost $4.50)
Total Seed Value $284.76

Important: As you may already know... non-hybrid, "heirloom" seeds can be grown practically anywhere and have the ability to assimilate mineral and trace elements from the soil that man-made plants just don't seem to have.

Our Heirloom Seeds Were Featured On National Geographic's Doomsday Preppers
So... all in all... as you'll see below... you're paying a fraction of the regular retail price... and you also get a whole bunch of nice gardening bonuses to boot! So keep reading...

It's just smart to have high-germination heirloom seeds as part of your family’s back-up food plan. Which is why you should check out the bonuses and freebies below...
Special Bonuses
When You Claim
The "Spring Fever Gardening Kit" Offer:

One 36-Cell, Seed Starting Greenhouse
Worth $10

Spring Fever Soil Feeder™ is our own special blend of natural soil foods with beneficial bacteria and symbiotic fungi to process the nutrients into available food for your tomatoes. Restoring the microbial life in your soil is the secret to providing constant and renewable food for the plants.

Seed Starter will jump-start your seeds, giving them a head start on the growing season. Soaking for just seconds produces seedlings in only a few days, by unlocking the dormancy of the seed so that it can start growing almost immediately.
One Set Of Our Specially Blended "Soil Feeder" And "Seed Starter" Solution: Set Worth $59.94
Plus... You'll Also Receive
This "Spring Fever Garden Starter" Bonus:
God's Miracle Dust

$9.97 Value
Total Value Of The Spring Fever Garden Kit And All The Bonuses:
Only $99.97 While Supplies Last!
P.S. One last thought — I want to make SURE you understand how much you're getting here. If you purchased these same seeds "retail" you could very well pay over $280.00, even if you can locate seeds with germination rates this high.
That makes the "Spring Fever Garden Kit" one heck of a bargain. For just $99.97 plus $17.00 shipping and handling (total $116.97), you can get started right away with your 2025 backyard garden and look forward to an abundant high-production garden.
*** Orders Are Shipped Out Within 10 Days - Sometimes Sooner ***
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